§ 17C-2-101. Resolution designating survey area -- Request to adopt resolution.  

Latest version.
  • (1) An agency board may begin the process of adopting an urban renewal project area plan by adopting a resolution that:
    (a) designates an area located within the agency's boundaries as a survey area;
    (b) contains a statement that the survey area requires study to determine whether:
    (i) one or more urban renewal projects within the survey area are feasible; and
    (ii) blight exists within the survey area; and
    (c) contains a description or map of the boundaries of the survey area.
    (a) Any person or any group, association, corporation, or other entity may submit a written request to the board to adopt a resolution under Subsection (1).
    (b) A request under Subsection (2)(a) may include plans showing the urban renewal proposed for an area within the agency's boundaries.
    (c) The board may, in its sole discretion, grant or deny a request under Subsection (2)(a).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 359, 2006 General Session